26 févr. 2012

Holes like scars

Tiens tiens... Yet another poem that I wrote a while ago, without publishing. Short and sweet, for your reading pleasure (I hope).

There are holes in my city
Big gaping holes
     in my city's history
Like scars.

There are parts missing
   in my city's history
And no one can remember
     what used to be there.

4 commentaires:

  1. I like this one. Except that I do remember the Lorne Building, where the National Gallery used to be lodged on Elgin. Now a gaping hole. Betsy

  2. Well, of course, you can remember! We need more people like you, who fill the holes with their memories!

  3. It is criminal the way City Hall is allowing the wanton destruction of our history and heritage. It makes me cry to hear of yet another heritage building allowed to deteriorate until it can be sold to a developer or another torn done to be replaced with another out-of-scale condo. It is criminal.

  4. It is criminal the way City Hall is allowing the wanton destruction of our history and heritage. It makes me cry to hear of yet another heritage building allowed to deteriorate until it can be sold to a developer or another torn done to be replaced with another out-of-scale condo. It is criminal.
